I’m Alexandria, a product designer and researcher. I delight in designing products and untangling complexity.



My initial experience designing products started with ideas that came into my head and manifested themselves into tangible items. I enjoyed the creative freedom and license of this, however, through my experience as a UX designer I have learned that good products are much more than ideas that become tangible. Good products come from a deep understanding of who you are creating for, the problem you are trying to solve, the marketplace, as well as the business objectives you are trying to achieve.

“The designer does not, as a rule, begin with some preconceived idea. Rather, the idea is (or should be) the result of careful study and observation, and the design a product of that idea.”
— Paul Rand, Thoughts on Design
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Research is the most important part of my design process. I love finding and identifying problems as much as I love designing solutions to them.

Just like design, research is a discipline that I’ve grown in overtime, from the art of asking an open question in interviews, crafting surveys, to using web analytics to track and measure user behavior.

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Product strategy is just as important as research. Once I know the problem and the users, I then seek to understand how a product fits into the market, and align with the goals of a business to determine measurable outcomes. Strategy enables me to connect the dots between seemingly irreconcilable objects and reconcile them in an elegant manner.

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Having understood the problem, the users, and objectives, pen is finally picked-up to create solutions.

I like to ask, “How Might We?”—How presupposes the problem is solvable, Might doesn’t hold any possible solution as concrete and thus makes space for innovation,We is critical, as product design rarely occurs in isolation.